In this digital age, it is essential for everyone to keep up with the latest technological advancements and next-generation technology. Computers are used almost everywhere, whether in communication, transportation, entertainment, education, or the medical industry, and have evolved to be an inseparable component. With numerous career opportunities across industries, studying computer science or information technology courses allows you to not only gain in-depth knowledge of the field but also conduct research on how technology developed for benefits. Aside from traditional computer science courses, you can pursue courses that teach you the fundamentals of the field. We will provide you with a basic computer through this blog. We will provide you with a list of basic computer courses from which you can select an area in which you want to gain expertise through this blog.

Getting Started With Basic Computer Indore:

  • Study of Hardware Component
  • General Operation
  • Memory Devices
  • Operating Systems such as (windows,linux,mac)


  • Configuring & Customizing Windows, Linux, mac.
  • Handling Files & Folders
  • Using Accessories, control panel


  • Word Processing Using Microsoft-Word
  • Electronic Spreadsheets Using Microsoft-Excel
  • Multimedia Presentation Using Microsoft-PowerPoint

Drilling Into Internet:

  • Working With E-Mailing, Search Engines, Chatting, Social media
  • Downloading, net Banking, Railway Reservation, Online Shopping, paytm, phonepe, gpay…Etc.

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